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SI Leadership Scholars








à Press Conference in Belgrade, July 10, 2018



Позивамо ђаке и студенте Србије да нам се придруже и упознају

наше младе из Америке

У интересу одржавања националног идентитета и изградње нових, младих, квалитетних лидера,

Српски Институт организује

Програм младих лидера

Где ђаци и студенти српског порекла из Америке

Упознају младе из Србије и имају прилику да говоре

на прес конференцији у Београду

10 јула, 2018, 11ч

-------- Press Centar, Knez Mihailova broj 6/III. -------




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“I look forward to the Student Leadership Conference as the start of an important initiative to build leadership skills among Serbian youth, students and young professionals on a global level, thereby creating capable future leaders for Serbia’s government, economic sector, corporate management, civic organizations and all industries.”

Danielle Sremac

President, Serbian Institute



Conference Description and Goals:


Today’s top leaders in every field made their journey from student to supervisor to leader by making the most of their innate talents, and learning important skills they needed to succeed.  Motivating people, conquering setbacks, creating inspired teams—these are the keys to success for any good leader.  At the conference you will learn:

  • How to develop the confident, positive leader within you
  • Better ways to motivate, inspire, and succeed
  • How to convey your ideas in cross-cultural communications


We will work on developing these and many more skills for you at the SI Student Leadership Conference, while making amazing connections to people and friends that will last a lifetime. 


A Cultural and Educational Experience:


We welcome students of all backgrounds and to make this a well-rounded cultural and educational experience, we are including in our program a variety of activities including an opportunity to visit the Serbian Parliament building, universities, meet local students, see the Serbian Royal Family seat—the White Palace, visit government institutions, and to participate in skill development activities including:

  • Press Conference Presentationswhere students present their ideas in front of a camera (optional)
  • Language immersion through interaction with local students in entertainment and cultural activities
  • Cross-Cultural activities — with locals in outings, touring the city of Belgrade and entertainment




à Click to view online the Conference on “US, Serbia and Efforts Against Terrorism” from June 2017, in partnership with the Research Center for Defense and Security in Belgrade and Deputy Chief of Mission of the US Embassy in Serbia. 



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Contact us for a detailed itinerary of activities at contact@serbianinstitute.com


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Image result for studenti poseta beli dvor 


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